Absolute Haitian owners Nate Smith and Glenn Frohring, along with Zac Smith, Jason Holbrook and Ben Hartigan, represented Absolute Haitian at K 2019 in October, logging thousands of steps over the 8-day show. Haitian International introduced the 3rd Generation of Haitian and Zhafir molding machines with plenty of valuable upgrades building on their focus of providing Technology to the Point. The new technology should be available to U.S. and Canadian molders in the second half of 2020.

The machine cells on display reflected the wide range of product applications that are well-suited to Haitian and Zhafir molding machines:
·AUTOMOTIVE: Haitian Jupiter III molded a VW LED guide light strip. Two-cavity mold from HELLA, PC material, 6-axis automation from ABB for assembly, sorting and part removal
·CONSUMER GOODS: Haitian Mars III Plus insert molded bottle openers from 100% PP recyclate; 4-cavity mold from Mapro and automation from Hilectro
·MEDICAL: Zhafir Venus III molded a PP syringe plunger from an 8-cavity mold provided by Werkzeugbau Ruhla; Clean room laminar flow box by Max Petek; cycle time was 11 seconds
·PACKAGING: Zhafir Zeres high-performance version paired with a 4-cavity lid mold and in-mold labeling, both made of PP, ran with a Sepro Robotique production cell; cycle time was 4.8 seconds
We met with many of our U.S. and Canadian customers who came over to the K – it’s always nice to see a familiar face in the Düsseldorf crowds. We’ll be reporting on the details of the Generation 3 machine models in upcoming communications as their introduction in our region gets closer.
